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Visual Windows for TeX

For 2014


Error/Warning/Newly added features

Corrected in


For Unicode-based TeX  (TeX/LaTeX & xeTeX/xeLaTeX)


In the [File]-[Reload Opened File, Save, Save As, Save A&ll Files] menus, to open the next submenu sometimes yields an unexpected shutdown of Vtexwin.

Ascii/ShiftJIS-based TeX

If a project file does not contain several keywords to specify a valid project file, to read this project file is canceled. But sometimes to unlock the file is failed to be completed and, as a result, Vtexwin is abnormally shut down.
Unicode discriminant algorithm is updated.

Common TeX

When a file converter is excuted after TeXing, previously displayed messages are not erased. If these massage involve error/warning TeX messages, even after converting is successfully finished, error/warning message(s) by Vtexwin are mistakenly displayed by detecting previously displayed error/warning TeX messages.
To view a file list for "Minimum Install", "Standard Install" and "Full Install" of W32TeX, you might observe that some of words or of lines are unexpectedly missing.
When the installer VtexInst.exe is performed, even if to create a TeX folder for W32TeX is  successfully finished, an error message that this folder failed to be created is mistakenly shown.
The installer VtexInst.exe now recognizes the change of the folder name: texmf==>texmf-dist as the W32TeX folder. The multiple presence of a W32TeX system file is detected to show a warning message.
Duplicated bibitems, which were not detected, are now shown as a warning message.
A long filename spread over two lines in a TeX output windows, which was not detected as a filename, is now recognized as a filename, and brings you to the line, where a TeX error occurs, by clicking the long file name (or by pressing the [F4]-key).
To handle ps file and/or eps file, [gswin32c.exe] is required. A hint ptompts you for the need of [gswin32c.exe] is newly displayed to detetct the word: rungs.
For the English TeX restricted to ASCII codes, a menu [TeX]-[Enable Warning for Non-&ASCII Characters] is added to detect other words than ASCII codes. For example, 2 byte codes (as ShiftJIS) corresponding to [;] and [:] etc. will be displayed as other ASCII codes.
When the selected W32TeX executable file cannot be executed, a new message is shown to suggest to execute it in the DOS ptompt to see the deatails of original results.
For Windows XP/Vista/7/8: When updated W32TeX files are being installing, the dialog showing the status of installing sometimes suddenly disappears if it is moved quickly and continuously many times from side to side.


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Copyright (c) 1997-2020/06 M. Yasue, Department of Physics, Tokai University.
Last update: 2020/06/05

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