date |
added features |
Corrected in |
2013/06/26 |
For Unicode-based TeX (TeX/LaTeX & xeTeX/xeLaTeX)
2014-100 |
In the [File]-[Reload Opened File, Save, Save As, Save A&ll Files]
menus, to open the next submenu sometimes yields an unexpected
shutdown of Vtexwin. |
Ascii/ShiftJIS-based TeX |
If a project file does not contain several keywords
to specify a valid project file, to read this project
file is canceled. But sometimes to unlock the file is
failed to be completed and, as a result, Vtexwin is
abnormally shut down. |
Unicode discriminant algorithm is
updated. |
Common TeX |
When a file converter is excuted after TeXing,
previously displayed messages are not erased. If
these massage involve error/warning TeX messages,
even after converting is successfully finished,
error/warning message(s) by Vtexwin are
mistakenly displayed by
detecting previously displayed error/warning TeX
messages. |
To view a file list for "Minimum Install",
"Standard Install" and "Full Install" of W32TeX, you
might observe that some of words or of lines
are unexpectedly missing. |
When the installer VtexInst.exe is performed,
even if to create a TeX folder for W32TeX is
successfully finished, an error message that this
folder failed to be created is mistakenly shown. |
The installer VtexInst.exe now recognizes
the change of the folder name:
texmf==>texmf-dist as the W32TeX folder.
The multiple presence of a
W32TeX system file is detected to show a
warning message. |
Duplicated bibitems, which were not detected,
are now shown as a warning message. |
A long filename spread over two lines in a TeX
output windows, which was not detected as a
filename, is now recognized as a filename, and
brings you to the line, where a TeX error occurs, by
clicking the long file name (or by pressing the
[F4]-key). |
To handle ps file and/or eps file,
[gswin32c.exe] is required. A hint ptompts you for
the need of [gswin32c.exe] is newly displayed to detetct the word: rungs. |
For the English TeX restricted to ASCII codes, a
menu [TeX]-[Enable Warning for Non-&ASCII
Characters] is added to detect other words than
ASCII codes. For example, 2 byte codes (as ShiftJIS)
corresponding to [;] and [:] etc. will be displayed
as other ASCII codes. |
When the selected W32TeX executable file cannot
be executed, a new message is shown to suggest
execute it in the DOS ptompt to see the deatails of
original results. |
For Windows XP/Vista/7/8: When updated W32TeX files
are being installing, the dialog showing the status
of installing sometimes
suddenly disappears
if it is moved quickly and continuously many times
from side to side. |