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Visual Windows for TeX


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in


For Unicode-based TeX  (TeX/LaTeX & xeTeX/xeLaTeX)


For a TeX file written by using English words only (ASCII), to save this file sometimes fails because of the file sharing violation, where the file is being used by another process, after it is reloaded to refresh its content modified outside Vtexwin

For Unicode TeX (TeX/LaTeX)

In the dialog to change character-colors in the editor, a selected new color for [Keyword, Math mode or Comment] cannot appear in the sample editor-box although this change can be included in the editor itself.
When a Pdf file needs to be updated, no message to ask you to update it, which supposedly appears, does not appear.

For Ascii/ShiftJIS-basedTeX

When a Pdf file needs to be updated, no message to ask you to update it, which supposedly appears, does not appear.

Common TeX

When multiple project is used, to view a dvi/pdf file contained in a project other than the active project
  • accompanies a message to ask to update this dvi/pdf file when it is older but to update it is unexpectedly performed just for the dvi/pdf file contained in the active project.
  • sometimes fails at the first time.
If a keyword contains a keyword such as \label in \section{\label{sec:intro} Introduction}, the contained keyword cannot be detected.
If keywords contained in a file, which is read by a [\input] command in other file, these keywords are now detected.
To jump to the definition of a specified keyword by pressing [F11] on the keyword is not sometimes initiated.
The parent TeX file that does not exist is listed in the file list.
The message that appears when the active project is updated is corrected.


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in


Common TeX


Allocated memories when files are opened by [\input] are not released.


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in


Unicode-based TeX (TeX/LaTeX & xeTeX/xeLaTeX)


If the automated recovery system of Vtexwin is active, Vtexwin sometimes abnormally terminated when the automated recovery system is about to start.

Common TeX

To detect \cite etc. fails if the word in front of the \-mark is a word other than a delimiter such as a space, a parenthesis and a carriage return.
To rename the parent TeX in the file list unexpectedly changes the icon showing a parent TeX into the ordinary icon.

In the inverse search from the viewer, when the Unicode version is active but the ShiftJIS version is registered in the viewer (or the vice versa), the name of the TeX file that contains the clicked line in the viewer cannot be correctly sent to the editor. if the name includes characters other than ASCII codes


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in


Common TeX


For [Find inside Files],
  • The "case-insensitive" search lists lines, where the found word is contained, in output windows and double-clicking it opens a file by the "case-sensitive" search of the word, As a result, the jump into the file sometimes fails.
  • To show multiply-detected words when they are contained in one line.
  • Vtexwin sometimes abnormally terminated if sentenses described in the searched file ends without the carriage return.


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in


Common TeX


To open a project file by double-clicking it is mistakenly disabled.


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in


For Unicode-based TeX  (TeX/LaTeX & xeTeX/xeLaTeX)


Sometimes a unnecessary message "need to update a file to be viewed" before viewing it is shown.
For some of viewers, a file for a viewer cannot be written by TeX due to Sharing Violation if
viewer opens the file to be created by TeX

Common TeX

To jump onto keyword by pressing [F11], [Ctrl]+{Num+,-] is mistakenly disabled.


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in


For Unicode-based TeX  (TeX/LaTeX & xeTeX/xeLaTeX)


Unicode versions cannot read project files.
Some of allocated memory failed to be released.

Common TeX

When a backup file updates the original file with the different encoding from ShiftJIS/UTF16, if it is opened on the editor at the startup, meaningless characters are shown because the automated conversion into ShiftJIS/UTF16 is skipped.
The way to react to the appearance of TeX warnings/errors in the menu [TeX]-[Select TeX Errors]/[Resume after TeX Warning] is not saved.
In the dialog opened from [TeX]-[TeX Executable], the related TeX tools to a specified file extension are not sometimes all listed depending on your Windows system environment.


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in


For Unicode-based TeX  (TeX/LaTeX & xeTeX/xeLaTeX)


Drag & drop of sentences on the editor was cancelled outside the editor region, On the right region showing the line number, this cancellation is not done.
Project file sometimes cannot be read and an error message shows up.

For Unicode TeX (TeX/LaTeX)

Automated conversion to UTF8 is sometimes abnormally finished for TeX files that are not opened on the editor. As a result, TeXing fails.

For Ascii/ShiftJIS-basedTeX

The last one word is removed if files with UTF16 encoding are saved.
The menu [File]-[Reload Opened File]-[Encode Specified] is added.
[Temporarily Enabled [Return at the Line End] cannot be enabled. To use [Edit]-[Shorten Line Length] is recommended.

Common TeX

After TeX is completed and when the successive launch of viewer is scheduled, to resume this launch even if errors/warnings are found, this setting is now available in the menu [TeX]-[Select TeX Errors]/[Resume after TeX Warning].
When TeX is successfully finished after second TeXing was performed, the search for TeX warnings/errors, which are not present,  by pressing [F4] or by selecting the menu sometimes will not be completed.  As a result, inputs by mouse and keyboard cannot not be accepted.
[Open by User Editor] sometimes causes unexpected crash.
To jump onto keyword by pressing Shift+F11 followed by pressing Ctrl+[NumPad+] does not give a next jump to the same keyword in another position if more than one keyword are contained in one line.
Valid searching for words inside files cannot be done for files with different encoding from the editor encoding. Automated conversion into the editor encoding is added.
[xx replaced:] is shown after words are searched inside files.


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in


For Unicode-based TeX  (TeX/LaTeX & xeTeX/xeLaTeX)


 If automated indent is active when setting of Ascii/ShiftJIS-based TeX is transferred to Unicode-based TeX, sentences on a certain line sent to the next line by carriage return sometimes disappear if
spaces/tabs are located at the head of the line
To view a backup file fails in a dialog of the automated recovery of files at the next startup, which were on the editor after Vtexwin was abnormally terminated.

For Unicode TeX (TeX/LaTeX)

TeX is executed without updating modified part of TeX files

For Ascii/ShiftJIS-basedTeX

 If TeX files are created by UNICODE(UTF16)-encoding, TeX fails to create a DVI file because the conversion of UNICODE into Ascii/ShiftJIS, which is supposed to be executed, is not executed.

Common TeX

A symbol character is inserted twice when it is inserted by clicking the corresponding figure in TeX symbol dialog.
When TeX needs the second TeX to create DVI/PDF files, the second TeX is executed by ignoring errors even if errors occur at the first TeX.
When a folder is opened by "Folder Containing this File", "Folder for the Main TeX File", or "Project Folder" in the menu [Option]-[Open Folders], to open this folder fails if the folder contains = in its name.
A message showing "TeX error is found" is shown in the output window even if the corresponding keyword to detect TeX errors is disabled. For example, the keyword "LaTeX Font Warning: Command" is disabled but a line such as "LaTeX Font Warning: Command \footnotesize invalid in math mode on input line 18" supplies "invalid in math mode" to be detected as a TeX error, which shows "TeX error is found" in the output windows.
Automated carriage return at the end of line is not applied to the editor if the number of words in one line is not specified.
TeX file is not saved before TeX is executed if TeX sentences are written by pasting other sentences into a file whose content is empty .
An existing project cannot be opened if the current project is a multiple project, which contains this project.
In the dialog opened by the menu [Help]-[Option of W32TeX], to check [Automated search also at the next startup] always searches for updated W32TeX files mistakenly at every startup.


Error/Warning/New Description

Corrected in

2012/05/22 To check Windows user privilege level


Jump into viewers from the editor: Dviout.exe  line/selected words/SmatraPDF.exe  line/Acrobat.exe  selected words (put in Acrobat [Find]-dialog)
Show possible candidates of TeX tools registered by Windows in the {TeX tool]-dialog
To extract the compressed zip-file of Dviout in the W32TeX installer
When User-selected tool is created, its icon is to be added in the toolbar but no icon appears
When the same file is used in multiple projects, to execute TeX shows a wrong message: "Do you reload a file because it is saved outside Vtexwin" appears
Vtexwin is sometimes unexpectedly terminated when unregistered TeX tool is selected in the [TeX tool]-
To execute TeX fails when TeX is executed in a different folder from the folder containing the main TeX file
Unwanted marks-[=>][<=][X] for the editor remain in the left upper region when the TeX-format icons are newly enabled
No messages are sometimes shown in the bottom message window
Dialog to extract W32TeX files sometimes becomes silent and seems to do no task (in Windows 98-2000)

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If you have any comments on this Web site (since Dec. 1st, 1997), please let us know: Mail.gif (4196 ???)yasue.
Copyright (c) 1997-2020/06 M. Yasue, Department of Physics, Tokai University.
Last update: 2020/06/05

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