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Relativistic Quantum Theory (Advanced) (2003.4-2016.3)
This lecture is provided for graduate students at the first and second semester (master
course 1st). The standard model of quarks and leptons are built on basic ideas on
symmetries and classical groups, spins and Lorentz group, gauge fields and local symmetry,
Higgs mechanism and so on, from which the SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1) model is constructed.
The understanding of these ideas is the main purpose of this course.
This lecture is provided for graduate students at the first and second semester (master
course 1st). Introducing creation and annihilation operators, then, going to the
configuration space based on the Klein-Golden equations and Dirac equations, I describe
relativistic fields representing scalar and spinor fields and construct a
from which a lagrangian is derived. The interplay between bosonic and
fermionic oscillators is explained and a supersymmetry between bosons and fermions is
briefly discussed.