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Radiatively Induced Neutrino Masses and Oscillations in an
SU(3)LXU(1)N Gauge Model
We have constructed an SU(3)LxU(1)N gauge model utilizing an
U(1)L' symmetry, where L' = Le-Lμ-Lτ, which accommodates tiny neutrino masses generated by
L'-conserving one-loop and L'-breaking two-loop radiative mechanisms. The generic smallness of two-loop radiative effects compared with one-loop radiative effects describes the observed hierarchy of
Δm2atm >>Δm2sun. A key ingredient for radiative mechanisms is a charged scalar
h+ that couples to charged lepton-neutrino pairs and h+ together with the standard Higgs scalar
(φ) can be unified into a Higgs triplet as (φ0, φ-, h+)T. This assignment in turn requires lepton triplets
(ΨiL) with heavy charged leptons (κiL) as the third member:
ΨiL=(νiL, liL,
κiL)T, where i (i=1,2,3) denotes three families. It is found that our model is relevant to yield the VO solution to the solar neutrino problem.