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Fate of Chiral Symmetries in Supersymmetric Quantum Chromodynamics
TOKAI-HEP/TH-0003 (Aug., 2000) with Mr. Y. Honda
(Talk given by M.Y. at XXXth International Conference on High Energy
Physics, July 27-August 2, 2000, Osaka, Japan)
In supersymmetric quantum chromodynamics with Nc-colors and Nf-flavors
of quarks, our effective superpotential provides the alternative description to
the Seiberg's N=1 duality at least for Nf>=Nc+2, where
spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetries leads to SU(Nc)L+R
xSU(Nf-Nc)L xSU(Nf-Nc)R
as a nonabelian chiral symmetry.The anomaly-matching is ensured by the presence
of Nambu-Goldstone superfields associated with this breaking and the instanton
contributions are properly equipped in the effective superpotential.