
Yasue Laboratory For Elementary Particle Theory 

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As a startup screen

By clicking right mouse button...

A program code for displaying 'Hello!' shows up...

By clicking the [build]-icon...

A dialog prompting you to input your filename (to input 'test' is an example)...

There is a dialog with the folder name, where your source file is to be saved (just click the [OK]-button, anyway)...

Some messages are shown in the 'Build' window at the bottom...

By clicking the [Execute with Message]-icon...

another window with the results of this executed program shows up...

Let us [Create Function List]...

The function name of [main] is listed in the box...

If this [main] is selected...

You are moved to the line, where [main] is described...

As an IntelliSence,  if you just type pri, an appropriate list containing words that begin with [pri] shows up by pressing  [Alt+Right Arrow]-key...

 and to click [printf] in the list replace [pri] by [printf]...

Set the mouse cursor onto [printf] and press [F11]...

Then, you move to the line, where the definition of the proto-type function for [printf] is described...

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If you have any comments on this Web site (since Dec. 1st, 1997), please let us know: Mail.gif (4196 ???)yasue.
Copyright (c) 1997-2020/06 M. Yasue, Department of Physics, Tokai University.
Last update: 2020/06/05

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