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Physics 学術論文
- Weak Neutral Currents Based on Urbaryon-Lepton Correspondence, Prog.
Theor. Phys. (Apr., 1976) 55 No. 4, 1235-1250 (Received date: July
10, 1975).
- The Difference of Neutral Currents between Urbaryon-Lepton
Correspondence and the Weinberg-Salam Type Gauge Model, Prog. Theor. Phys.
(Lett.) (Apr., 1976) 55 No. 4, 1324-1325 (Received date: Jan. 22,
- Dimuon Events and Neutral Currents, Phys. Lett. (Aug., 1976) 64B
No. 1, 67-70 (Received date: Apr. 5, 1976).
- A Dynamical Approach to the Scaling Violations, Prog. Theor. Phys.
(Feb., 1977) 57 No. 2, 556-569 with Dr. R. Hayashi. (Received date:
Aug. 9, 1976).
- Second Class Current and Anomalies in Neutrino Reactions, Prog. Theor.
Phys. (March, 1977) 57 No. 3, 988-997 with M. Matsuda, T. Matsushima,
K. Odaka and M. Sin-Mura. (Received date: Aug. 31, 1976).
- On a Test of Neutral Current of a Baryon-Lepton Symmetry Model,Prog.
Theor. Phys. (Lett.) (Apr., 1977) 57 No. 4, 1448-1449 with Prof. M.
Nakagawa (Received date: Jan. 7, 1977).
- Neutral Current Anomalies: Differences between Dynamical Scaling
Violations and Slow Rescaling, Phys. Lett. (Apr., 1977) 67B No. 3,
316-320 with Y. Tosa (Received date: Jan. 18, 1977).
- Universal Neutral Current Interactions and Urbaryon-Lepton
Correspondence, Prog. Theor. Phys. (Feb., 1978) 59 No. 2, 534-547
(Received date: July 23, 1977).
- Neutral Current Anomalies as an Indication of Dynamical Scaling
Violations, Phys. Rev. (Nov., 1978) D18 No. 9, 3193-3201 with Y. Tosa.
(Received date: Aug. 9, 1977).
- Quark-Lepton Correspondence and SU2)LxU(1)xU(1)
Gauge Model, Prog. Theor. Phys. (Jan., 1979) 61 No. 1, 269-276
(Received date: July 15, 1978).
- The Quark-Lepton Correspondence is still Working in the Neutral Current
Interactions, Prog. Theor. Phys. (Lett.) (Oct., 1979) 62 No. 4,
1154-1155 (Received date: March 31, 1979).
- Composite Model of Quarks and Leptons Related to Composite Structure of
SO(10), Phys. Lett. (March, 1980) 91B No. 1, 85-89 (Received date:
Nov. 30, 1979).
- Phenomenological Aspect of SO(10) Grand Unified Model, Prog. Theor Phys.
(Feb., 1981) 65 No. 2, 708-716 (Received date: Oct. 20, 1980).
- Number of Generations and Emergence of SO(10) in a Subquark Model with a
Subcolor, Prog. Theor. Phys. (June, 1981) 65 No. 6, 1995-2007
(Received date: Feb. 9, 1981).
- How to Break SO(10) via SO(4)xSO(6) down to SU(3)cxSU(2)LxU(1)Y,
Phys. Lett. (July, 1981) 103B No. 1, 33-38 (Received date: Oct. 13,
- Symmetry Breaking of SO(10) and Constraints on Higgs Potential ?adjoint
{45} and spinorial {16} representations, Phys. Rev. (Aug., 1981) D24
No. 4, 1005-1013 (Received date: Aug. 25, 1980).
- Effective Description of a Composite Quark-Lepton Symmetry, Prog. Theor.
Phys., (Jan., 1982) 67 No. 1, 321-332 (Received date: Sept. 3, 1981).
- Observable Effects of the Possible Sub-Structure of Leptons and Quarks,
Phys. Lett. (May, 1982) 112B No. 4, 5, 387-392, with Prof. H.
Terazawa, Dr. K. Akama and Dr. M. Hayashi (Received date: Dec. 31, 1981).
- Higgs Scalars and Light SU(2)R Weak Bosons
in the SO(10) Grand Unified Theory, Prog. Theor. Phys. (June, 1982) 67
No. 6, 1899-1910, with Prof. K. Matumoto (Received date: Nov. 30, 1981).
- Weak Interaction Symmetry and Generation Structure in the Quasi - Nambu
- Goldstone Fermion Picture of Quarks and Leptons, Phys. Lett. (Aug., 1983)
128B No, 1,2, 65-68, with Prof. O.W. Greenberg and Prof. R.N. Mohapatra
(Received date: May 11, 1983).
- Determination of the Number of Generations of Quarks and Leptons from
Flavor-Color Symmetry, Phys. Rev. Lett. (Nov., 1983) 51, No. 19,
1737-1740, with Prof. O.W. Greenberg and Prof. R.N. Mohapatra (Received
date: Aug. 24,1983).
- Masses of Composite Fermions in a Fermion - Boson - Symmetric Preon -
Model, Phys. Rev. (Feb., 1984) D29 No. 3, 547-554, with Dr. I. Ito
(Received date: May 9, 1983).
- Light Composite Fermions in a Dynamical Subquark Model of Pregauge
Interactions, Nucl. Phys. (March, 1984) B234 No. 1, 252-268 (Received
date: Mar. 29, 1982).
- The Interplay between the 't Hooft Anomaly Constraints and the Nambu -
Goldstone Mechanism in Supersymmetric Composite Models, Nucl. Phys. (May,
1984) B237 No. 2, 189-204, with Prof. R.N. Mohapatra and Prof. O.W.
Greenberg (Received date: Aug. 1, 1983).
- Charge Commutation Relations, Asymptotic SU(2)L
Symmetry and the Mass of the Second Z Boson in Electroweak Gauge
Theories, Phys. Rev. (July, 1984) D30 No. 1, 174-180, with Prof. S.
Oneda and Prof. Slaughter (Received date: Dec. 13, 1983).
- Angular Distributions in Z Decays via Resonancs of Quarks,
Leptons and Gauge Bosons, Prog. Theor. Phys. (Jan., 1985) 73 No. 1,
167-175, with Dr. K. Akama, Dr. I. Ito and Dr. H. Komatsu (Received date:
Aug. 30, 1984).
- Mass Spectra of Composite Fermions in a Three-Fermionic Preon Model with
Chiral SU(3)c Symmetry, Nuovo Cim. (Feb.,
1985) 85A No. 3, 229-240 (Received date: May 30, 1984).
- Composite Fermion Mass Hierarchies, Phys. Lett. (Feb., 1985) 151B
No. 3 and 4, 251-256, with Prof. R.N. Mohapatra and Prof. J.C. Pati
(Received date: Oct. 10, 1984)
- Charge-Commutation-Relation Approach to Composite Vector Bosons in
The Case with
, Phys. Rev. (July, 1985) D32 No.1,
317-319, with Prof. S. Oneda (Received date: Oct. 15, 1984).
- Observable Signatures of Resonances in Composite Models of Quarks,
Leptons and Gauge Bosons, Prog. Theor. Phys. (July, 1985) 74 No. 1,
133-141, with Dr. K. Akama and Dr. K. Hidaka (Received date: Dec. 27, 1984)
- Mass Hierarchies of Quarks and Leptons in a Supersymmetric Sp(2N)
Subcolor Theory, Prog. Theor. Phys. (Aug., 1985) 74 No. 2, 349-367,
with Dr. S. Takeshita (Received date: Feb. 18, 1985).
- Remarks on Asymptotic SU(2)LxSU(1)f
Symmetries and Possible Large Mixing between Weak Bosons and
Prog. Theor. Phys. (Lett.) (Aug., 1985) 74 No. 2, 418-421, with Prof.
S. Oneda (Received date: May 15, 1985).
- Derivation of Mass Relations for Composite
from Effective-Lagrangian Approach, Phys. Rev.
(Dec., 1985) D32 No. 11, 3066-3069, with Prof. S. Oneda (Received
date: June 26, 1985).
- Composite Nambu-Goldstone Superfield in a Nonlinear Interaction Model-
Mass Spectrum of the Model, Phys. Lett. (Dec., 1985) 164B No. 1, 2
and 3, 61-66, with Dr. S. Takeshita (Received date: Aug. 5, 1985).
- Repetition of the Quark-Lepton States in a Supersymmetric Composite
Model with Complementarity, Phys. Lett. (July, 1986) 175B No. 2,
169-175, with H. Yamada (Received date: Apr. 10, 1986).
- Dynamical Aspects of the Minimal Realization of the Composite Nambu -
Goldstone Superfield, Phys. Rev. (Sept., 1986) D34 No. 6, 1847-1858,
with Dr. S. Takeshita (Received date: Mar. 11, 1986).
- Symmetry Breaking in Supersymmetric Quantum Chromodynamics, Phys. Rev.
(Jan., 1987) D35 No. 1, 355-360 (Received date: Sept. 3,1986).
- Dynamical Model for Composite Quarks and Leptons Based on
Supersymmetric Quantum Chromodynamics, Phys. Rev. (Aug., 1987) D36
No. 1, 932-938 (Received date: Feb. 25, 1987).
- Flavor Dependence of Quasi Nambu-Goldstone Fermion Masses, Phys. Lett.
(Oct., 1987) 197B No. 1 and 2, 161-166, with Prof. H. Terazawa (Received date:
June 18, 1987).
- Composite Quarks and Leptons Generated by Supersymmetric Quantum
Chromodynamics with Ncolor<Nflavor,
Prog. Theor. Phys. (Dec., 1987) 78 No.6, 1437-1458 (Received date:
July 9, 1987).
- Excited Weak Gauge Bosons at Colliders, Phys. Rev. (May, 1988) D37
No.9, 2499-2508, with Prof. S. Oneda (Received date: Sept. 22, 1987).
- Quark and Lepton Mass Formula from a Partially Conserved Induced
Supercurrent Hypothesis, Phys. Lett. (June, 1988) 206B No.4, 669-675,
with Prof. H. Terazawa (Received date: Dec. 24, 1987).
- On Excited Weak Gauge Bosons, Prog Theor. Phys. (Lett.) (Feb., 1989)
81 No.2, 271-276 (Received date: Oct. 11, 1988).
- Dynamical Excited Weak Bosons and Their Observable Signatures, Phys.
Rev. (June, 1989) D39 No.11, 3458-3472 (Received date: Nov. 17, 1988).
- Composite Weak Bosons Associated with Transmuted Gauge Symmetry, Mod.
Phys. Lett. (May, 1989) 4A No. 9, 815-820 (Received date: Nov. 8,
- Excited Weak Gauge Bosons as Massive Gauge Particles of Transmuted
SU(2)L Symmetry, Mod. Phys. Lett. (Aug.,
1989) 4A No.16, 1559-1565 (Received date: Feb. 22, 1989).
- Effects of Exotic Composite Bosons in
at 50 - 100 GeV, Phys. Rev. D (Aug., 1990) 42 No.3, 789-793 (Received
date: Feb. 6, 1990) with Drs. K. Akama and T. Hattori.
- Extra Weak Bosons in a Confining Gauge Theory with Complementarity,
Phys. Rev. D (Nov., 1990) 42 No.9, 3169-3176 (Received date: Nov. 28,
- Comment on Confining Theory of Quarks, Leptons and Sarks, Phys. Lett. B
(Dec., 1990) 252 No.3, 425-430 (Received date: July 20, 1990).
- Exotic Composite Vector Boson, Phys. Rev. D (Mar, 1991) 43 No.5,
1702-1709 (Received date: Sep. 4, 1990) with Drs. K. Akama and T. Hattori.
- Superficial Violation of the Pauli Principle due to the Possible
Substructure of Electons, Phys. Rev. Lett (Mar, 1992) 68 No.12,
1826-1829 (Received date: May 6, 1991) with Profs. K. Akama and H. Terazawa.
- Properties of Strange Quark Matter, Phys. Rev. D (Mar. 1, 1993) 47
No.5, 2153-2155 (Received date: June. 10, 1992) with Drs. M. Kasuya and T.
- A Simple Relation Among the Charged Lepton Masses, Phys. Lett. B (June.,
1993) 307 No.3,4, 383-386 (Received date: Feb 22, 1993) with Prof. H.
- Dynamically Favored Chiral Symmetry Breakings in Supersymmetric Quantum
Chromodynamics, in Prog. Theor. Phys. (April, 1999) 101
No.4, 971-979 (Received date: Aug. 24, 1998) with Mr. Y. Honda.
- Comment on Radiative Neutrino Mass Matrix with a Sterile Neutrino, in
Prog. Theor. Phys. (May, 1999) 101 No.5, 1119-1127
(Received date: Dec. 18, 1998) with Mr. Y. Okamoto.
- New Electric Description of Supersymmetric Quantum Chromodynamics, in
Phys. Lett. B (Oct., 1999) 466 No.2-4, 244-250 (Received
date: July, 1999) with Mr. Y. Honda.
- Radiatively Generated Neutrino Masses in SU(3)LXU(1)N
Gauge Models, in Phys. Lett. B (Oct., 1999) 466 No.2-4,
267-273 (Received date: June, 1999) with Mr. Y. Okamoto
- Neutrino Oscillations Induced by Two-loop Radiative Mechanism,
Phys. Lett. B (Oct., 2000) 490 No.3-4, 236-241 (Received date: June,
2000) with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Two-loop Radiative Neutrino Mechanism in an SU(3)LXU(1)N
Gauge Model, Phys. Rev. D (May, 2001) 63, No 9, 095006 1-6 (Received
date: Dec., 2000) with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Radiatively Induced Neutrino Masses and Oscillations in an SU(3)LXU(1)N
Gauge Model, Phys. Rev. D (May, 2001) 63, No 9, 095002 1-8 (Received
date: Oct., 2000) with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Large Mixing Angle MSW Solution in an SU(3)LXU(1)N
Gauge Model with Two-loop Radiative Mechanism, Phys. Lett. B (May, 2001)
508, No 1, 85-95 (Received date: Mar., 2000) with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- The Interplay between Neutrinos and Charged Leptons in the Minimal SU(3)LXU(1)N
Gauge Model, Nucl. Phys. B (Aug, 2001) 609, No 1-2, 61-82 (Received
date: Mar., 2001) with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Large Solar Neutrino Mixing and Radiative Neutrino Mechanism, Phys.
Lett. B (Jan, 2002) 524, No 3-4, 308-318 (Received date: Oct., 2001)
with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Large Solar Neutrino Mixing in an Extended Zee Model, Int. J. of Mod.
Phys. A (July, 2002) 17, No 19, 2519-2533 (Received date: Oct..,
2001) with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Physics of Strongly Coupled N=1 Supersymmetric SO(Nc) Gauge
Theories, Phys. Lett. B (Sept, 2002) 543, No 3-4, 296-302 (Received
date:July, 2002)
- S2L Permutation Symmetry for Left-handed μ-τ Families and
Neutrino Oscillations in an SU(3)LxU(1)N Gauge Model,
Phys. Rev. D (January, 2003) 67, No 1, 015006 1-16 (Received
date: Sep., 2002) with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Flavor Symmetry Breaking in Strongly Coupled N=1 Supersymmetric SO(Nc)
Gauge Theory with Nf=Nc-2, Europhys. Lett. (May,
2003) 62, No 5, 677-683 (Received date: Jan., 2003).
- LMA MSW Solution in the Minimal SU(3)LxU(1)N Gauge Model, in
Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Physics Research A (May, 2003) 503 No.1-2,
162-164,. with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Bilarge Neutrino Mixing and μ-τ Permutation Symmetry for Two-loop
Radiative Mechanism, Phys. Rev. D (July, 2004) 70, No 1, 015011 1-13 (Received
date: Mar., 2004) with Mr. I. Aizawa, Mr. M. Ishiguro and Dr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Strongly Coupled N=1 Supersymmetric SO(Nc) Gauge Theories
without Magnetic Degrees of Freedom, Int. J. Mod Phys. A (October, 2004)
19, No.25 4323-4354 (Received date: April, 2004).
- General Property of Neutrino Mass Matrix and CP Violation, Phys. Lett. B
(Feb., 2005) 607, No 3-4, 267-275 (Received date: October, 2004).
- Constraints on Flavor Neutrino Masses and sin22θ12>>sin2θ13
in Neutrino Oscillations, Phys. Rev. D (April, 2005) 71,
No.7, 075011 1-14 (Received date: February, 2005) with Mr. I. Aizawa and Dr.
T. Kitabayashi.
- μ-τ Symmetry and Maximal CP
Violation, Phys. Lett. B (August., 2005) 621, No 1-2, 133-138 (Received date:
May, 2005). with Dr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Neutrino Mass Textures with Maximal CP Violation, Phys. Rev. D
(September, 2005) 72, No.5 (2005) 055014 1-8 (Received date:
September, 2005) with Mr. I. Aizawa and Dr. T. Kitabayashi..
- Determination of neutrino mass texture for maximal CP violation, Nucl.
Phys. B (October, 2005) 728,
No.1-3, 220-232 (Received date: July, 2005) with Mr. I. Aizawa and Dr.
T. Kitabayashi.
- New Type of Complex Neutrino Mass Texture and μ-τ Symmetry, Phys. Rev. D
(January, 2006) 73, No.1, 015002 1-10 (Received date: October,
2005) with Mr. I. Aizawa..
- What Does μ-τ
Symmetry Imply about Neutrino Mixings?, Phys. Rev. D (March, 2006) 73, No.5, 055014 1-8 (Received date:
January, 2006) with Mr. K. Fuki.
- Two Categories of Approximately μ-τ
Symmetric Neutrino Mass Textures, Nucl.
Phys. B (October, 2007) 783, No.1-2 , 31-56 (Received
date: August, 2006) with Mr. K. Fuki.
- Correlation between Leptonic CP Violation and μ-τ
Symmetry Breaking , Phys. Rev. D
(March, 2007) 75, No.5 (2007) 055001 1-14 (Received date:
December, 2006) with Mr. T. Baba.
- Leptonic CP Violation Induced by Approximately μ-τ
Symmetric Seesaw Mechanism, Phys. Rev. D (April, 2008) 77, No.7 (2008)
075008 1-20 (Received date:
October, 2007) with Mr. T. Baba.
- Majorana CP Violation in Approximately μ-τ
Symmetric Models with det(Mν)=0, Prog.
Theor. Phys. 123 No. 4 (April, 2010) 659-686 (Received date: September, 2009) with
Mr. T. Baba.
- Flavor Neutrino Masses giving sinθ13=0, Phys. Lett. B (October, 2010)
693, No 5, 571-574 (Received date: September, 2010) with Mr. K. Yuda.
- Bi-pair Neutrino Mixing, Phys. Lett. B (January, 2011)
696, No 5, 478-481 (Received date: November, 2011) with Dr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetries beyond the Standard Model, Advances in
High Energy Physics (2012), vol.2012 (Received date: February 2012)
with Dr.Hoang Ngoc Long, Dr.Vicente Pleitez and Dr.Marc Sher.
- Charged Lepton Contributions to Bipair Neutrino Mixing, Phys. Lett. B
(May, 2012) 713, No. 3, 206-210 (Received date: April, 2012) with Dr.
T. Kitabayashi.
- Phases of Flavor Neutrino Masses and CP Violation, Phys. Lett. B
(November, 2012) 718, No. 1, 153-159 (Received date: July, 2012).
- Generalized Scaling Ansatz and Minimal Seesaw Mechanism, Phys. Rev. D
86 No.11 (December, 2012) 116011 1-9
(Received date: November, 2012).
- CP Violation in Bipair Neutrino Mixing, Phys. Lett. B (October, 2013)
726 No.1-3 (2013) 356-363 (Received date: July 2013) with Dr. T.
- Composite Higgs Boson in the Unified Subquark Model of All Fundamental
Particles and Forces, J. of Mod. Phys. 5 No.5 (2014) 205-208 (Received date: January 2014) with Dr. H. Terazawa.
- CP Violation in Modified Bipair Neutrino Mixing and Leptogenesis
published, Phys. Lett. B 732 (2014) 191-195 (Received date: February
2014) with Jun Iizuka, Yoshikazu Kaneko, Teruyuki Kitabayashi and Naoto Koizumi.
- Parametrization of
Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata Mixing Matrix based on CP-violating
Bipair Neutrino Mixing,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A
30 (2015) 1550019-1550025 (Received date: October 2014) with Jun Iizuka, Teruyuki Kitabayashi
Yuki Minagawa.
- Excited Gauge and Higgs Bosons in the Unified Composite Model, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 19 (March, 2016)
1-6 (Received date:
September 2015) with Dr. H. Terazawa.
- Maximal CP Violation in flavor Neutrino Masses, International Journal of Modern Physics A
31 (March, 2016) 1650043-1-1650043-12 (Received date:
January 2016) with Dr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Formulae for flavour neutrino masses and its application to texture two
zeros, Physical Review D 93 (March, 2016)
053012-1-053012-8 (Received
date: December 2015) with Dr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Maximal CP Violation in Minimal Seesaw Model, Physical Review D 94
(October, 2016) 075020-1–075020-7 (Received date: 14 May 2016) with Dr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Seesaw model and two zero flavor neutrino texture, International Journal of Modern Physics A 32 No .6&7 (February, 2017)
(Received date: November 2016) with Dr.T. Kitabayashi.
- One-loop radiative seesaw dark matter and neutrinoless double beta
decay with two zero flavor neutrino mass texture, International Journal of Modern Physics A 32 No .32 (November, 2017)
1750186-1-1750186-20 (Received date: August 2017) with Teruyuki
Kitabayashi and Shinya Ohkawa.
- Parafermionic dark matter, Physical Review D 98 (August, 2018) 043504-1–043504-7 (Received date: 28 May 2018) with Dr. T. Kitabayashi.
- How to Combine the Idea of Subquarks with the Idea of Grand Unification
- a spinor subkoma model - , in Proceedings of VPI Workshop on Weak
Interactions as Probes of Unification, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA (Dec. 4-6, 1980), edited by G.B.
Collins, L.N. Chang and J.R. Ficenec (AIP, 1981), p.574.
- A Composite Quark-Lepton Unification, in Proceedings of the 1981 INS
Symposium on Quark and Lepton Physics, Tokyo (June 25-27, 1981), edited
by K. Fujikawa, H. Terazawa and A. Ukawa (INS, Univ. of Tokyo, 1981), p.332
- Experimental Indications of Composite Structure of Leptons and Quarks,
in Proceedings of the 4th INS Winter Seminar on Structure of Quarks and
Leptons, Tokyo, (Dec. 25 and 26, 1981), edited by M. Yasue (INS, Univ.
of Tokyo, 1982), p.63.
- Dynamical Aspects of Supersymmetric Composite Models of Quarks and
Leptons, in Particles and Nuclei [Essays in Honor of the 60th
Birthday of Professor Yoshio Yamaguchi], edited by H. Terazawa (World
Scientific, Singapore, 1986), p.118-123.
- Supersymmetric QCD for Composite Quarks and Leptons, in
Proceedings of the Meeting on Physics at TeV Energy Scale, KEK, Tsukuba,
(May 28-30, 1987), edited by K. Hagiwara and K. Hidaka (KEK, 1987),
- Excited Weak Gauge Bosons at
-Colliders, in
Proceedings of the 7th INS Winter Seminar on Superstring, Composite Models
and Anomaly Related Problems, Tokyo, (Dec. 21-23, 1987), edited by M.
Tomiya (INS, Univ. of Tokyo, 1988), p.33-51
- Observable Signatures of Excited Weak Gauge Bosons at Colliders, in
Proceedings of the Second Meeting on Physics at TeV Energy Scale, KEK,
Tsukuba, (May 23-25, 1988), edited by K. Hidaka and K. Hikasa (KEK, 1988),
- Extra Composite W and Z Bosons Implied by Complementarity, in
Procedings of the Third Meeting on Physics at TeV Energy Scale, KEK,
Tsukuba, (Sept. 28-30, 1989), edited by K. Hidaka and C.S. Lim (KEK, 1990),
- Extra Weak Bosons Implied by Complementarity in a Confining Gauge
Theory, in Proceedings of 1989 Workshop on Dynamical Symmetry Breaking,
Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, (Dec. 21-23, 1989), edited by T. Muta and K. Yamawaki
(Nagoya Univ., 1990), p.69.
- Compositeness of W and Z Bosons and Related Topics, in
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Japan Linear Collider, KEK,
Tsukuba, (Oct. 24-25, 1989), edited by S. Kawabata (KEK, 1990), p.251.
- On "Electric" Description of Supersymmetric Quantum Chromodynamics,
in Proceedings of Dynamics of Gauge Fields: TMU-Yale Symposioum,
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Tokyo, (Dec. 13-15, 1999), edited by A. Chodos,
C.C. Sommerfield, N. Kitazawa and H. Minakata (Universal Academic Press,
Tokyo, 2000), p.143. with Mr. Y. Honda.
- Radiative Neutrino Mechanism in SU(3)LXU(1)N
Gauge Models, in Proceedings of the International
Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations and their Origin, FujiYoshida,
Yamanashi, (Feb. 11-13, 2000), edited by Y .Suzuki, M. Nakahata, M. Shiozawa
and K. Kaneyuki (Universal Academic Press, Tokyo, 2000), p.285 with Mr. Y.
- Fate of Chiral Symmetries in Supersymmetric Quantum Chromodynamics,
TOKAI-HEP/TH-0003 (Aug., 2000) , in Proceedings of the 30th International
Conference on High Energy Physics, Osaka, (July 27-Aug.2, 2000), edited
by C.S. Lim and Taku Yamanaka (World Scientific, Singapore, 2001),
p.1365-1367 with Mr. Y.Honda.
- Neutrino Masses and Oscillations in Two-loop Radiative Mechanism, in
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations and
their Origin, Tokyo Univ., Tokyo, (Dec. 6-8, 2000),
edited by Y .Suzuki, M. Nakahata, M. Miura and K. Kaneyuki (World scientific
Singapore, 2001), p.195 with Mr. T. Kitabayashi
- A Model for Composite Quarks and Extra Weak Bosons, in Bulletin of
Department of Liberal Arts in Shimizu Campus, edited by M. Fukusaka
(Tokai University, No. 22) (School of Marine Science and Technology,
Shimizu, 1996), p.43.
- Radiaively Induced Neutrino Oscillations by Two-loop Effects, in
Bulletin of Department of Liberal Arts in Shimizu Campus, edited by M.
Fukusaka (Tokai University, No. 26) (School of Marine Science and
Technology, Shimizu, 2000), p.89-104.
- Radiaive Neutrino Masses in SU(3)LXU(1)N
Gauge Models, in Bulletin of Department of Liberal Arts in Shimizu
Campus, edited by M. Fukusaka (Tokai University, No. 26) (School of
Marine Science and Technology, Shimizu, 2000), p.105-130 with Mr. T.
- SU(3)LXU(1)N
Gauge Models with Large Solar Neutrino Mixings, in Bulletin of Department of Liberal Arts in Shimizu
Campus, edited by M. Fukusaka (Tokai University, No. 27) (School of
Marine Science and Technology, Shimizu, 2001), p.81-100 with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Solar Neutrino Oscillations and Radiative Neutrino Mechanism, in
Bulletin of Department of Liberal Arts in Shimizu Campus, edited by M.
Fukusaka (Tokai University, No. 27) (School of Marine Science and
Technology, Shimizu, 2001), p.101-116 with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Permutation Symmetry for the μ-τ Families in Neutrino Oscillations, in
Bulletin of Department of Liberal Arts in Shimizu Campus, edited by M.
Fukusaka (Tokai University, No. 28) (School of Marine Science and
Technology, Shimizu, 2002), p.35-64 with Mr. T. Kitabayashi.
- Nonperturbative Aspect of Strongly Coupled N=1 Supersymmetric SO(Nc)
Gauge Theories, in
Bulletin of Department of Liberal Arts in Shimizu Campus, edited by M.
Fukusaka (Tokai University, No. 28) (School of Marine Science and
Technology, Shimizu, 2002), p.91-108
Others Physics
O1) クォーク及びレプトンの複合模型, 月刊フィジクス (Apr., 1985) 47
No. 4 4, 239-245.
1) LSI C−86用統合メニュー開発記、C言語技術情報誌 Cマガジン
(Sep. & Oct., 1994) 6 No.9, 126-133 (ソフトバンク).
2) ファイルマネージャ以上の機能を実現:WinFileShuttle Ver.1.52、ネットワーク総合情報誌
パソコン通信 (May., 1995) 7 No.2, 101 (エーアイ出版).
3) WinFileShuttle Ver.1.52、DOS/V Power Report (June, 1995), 192(インプレス).
4) とても使いやすくて便利な新型ファイルマネージャ:WinFileShuttle
Ver.1.52、TECH Win (July, 1995), 192(アスキー)
5) WinFileShuttle Ver.2.01、ASCII DOS/V ISSUE (January, 1996), 284(アスキー).
6) パッケージソフト「Tools やくだツール95」(1996 MSD
7) WinFileShuttleVer.2.30 (WinFileShuttle32 β for Windows95/NT)、Oh!PC (April,
1997), 180(ソフトバンク).
8) WinFileShuttle32 Ver.0.93、TECH Win (July, 1997), 198(アスキー).
9) アイコン操作できるファイル管理ツール:WinFileShuttle、PACK
for WIN GOLD 1999年前期版 Windows95/WindowsNT/Windows3.1 (December,
1998), 97(ベクター).
10) WinFileShuttle32 Ver.2.61、Dos/V magazine 12/1
(December, 1998), 366(ソフトバンク)
11) Dive into Shortcuts ver.1.00、DOS/V POWER REPORT (December.,
1998), 377 (インプレス)
12) アプリケーション起動から再起動までOK:WinFileShuttle32
Ver.2.62、Windows100% (January, 1999), 15(SHINYUSHA)
13) 多彩な機能を搭載したファイルマネージャ:WinFileShuttle Ver.3.62、Windows
NT World (February, 1999), 267(IDGコミュニケーション)
14) 多コピー機能重視のファイラ:WinFileShuttle32 Ver.2.71、PC
World (March, 1999), 158(IDGコミュニケーション)
15) 高機能ファイル操作ソフト:WinFileShuttle32、NIFTY SERVE
MAGAZINE (March, 1999), 70(ニフティ株式会社)
16) 多彩キーボード操作派ファイラ編:WinFileShuttle32、ASCII
DOS/V ISSUE (March, 1999), 299(アスキー).
17) WinFileShuttle32 Ver.2.73、TECH Win (April, 1999), 137(アスキー).
18) DVD+PC 100%活用ガイド:Dive into Shortcuts ver.1.21、DOS/V Ex POWER
REPORT (April., 1998), 112 (インプレス).
19) WinFileShuttle32 for Windows 95/98/NT Ver.2.74、TECH Win (May,
1999), 129(アスキー).